Hello! I wanted to use again the google colab for "notebook 1.2 open data access with GWpy and to my surprise I got the following error almost at the very beginning of the notebook:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 plot = ldata.plot()
5 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/gwpy/plot/units.py in to_string(cls, unit)
37 if unit.physical_type not in {None, ‘unknown’, ‘dimensionless’}:
38 ptype = str(unit.physical_type).split(‘/’, 1)[0].title()
—> 39 return f"{cls._latex_escape(ptype)} {u}"
40 return u
AttributeError: type object ‘LatexInlineDimensional’ has no attribute ‘_latex_escape’
I was wondering why it is not working now? I tried with other notebooks and I get the same error, for example in notebook 1.3 when you want to plot the specgram. It seems the problem appears with the plot instruction: plot = ldata.plot() and plot = specgram.plot().
Thank you in advance!