Time series error on personal device


I’m trying to run tutorial 1.2 on my mac, and keep getting stuck when requesting to retrieve the data.

Running code ‘ldata = TimeSeries.fetch_open_data(‘L1’, *segment, verbose=True)’ yields the following error ‘get_urls() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘tag’’

Are you able to help with this please?

Hi Emma,

Can you point me where did you download the notebook from? That bug is from an old version of GWpy. I think updating the GWpy version to the latest one should solve it.

Hi Martin,

Thanks for your help. I thought I had the latest version installed V3.0.1, but I’ve just upgrade to V3.0.4, and that has resolved the issue. Thanks again!

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Try to install the gwpy with v. 3.0.4, and it may solve your problem.