Overplot the Numerical Relativity simulation waveform and the real extracted GW data

Hi!!..I am facing issues in plotting the real extracted GW signal and the NR signal from the SXS catalog together. I have seen that plot in most of the papers but I am facing issues in plotting it. Can anyone suggest an approach to tackle the problem?

Thanks in Advance!!!..

Hi @darsh

Thank you for the question. Can you provide some specifics? Can you give a pointer to the data set you are working with? Exactly what problem are you encountering?

Thank you.

Ok, So I will try to explain it to you with an example, lets take an example for the GW150914
I have extracted the gravitational wave signal using the code provided in the gwpy. Now, as we know the corresponding Numerical relativity signal for this event is SXS:BBH:0305. Now, I want to show the overlap of the real signal and NR signal.

There is one way to show using the matched filtering technique, but I am unable to understand the matched filtering code. It would be better if you could also provide me with a good source to understand that.

Also I had some doubts regarding the traditional techniques of interpolating the waveform templates. There are many kinds of time domain approximants available in the pycbc library, how to get to know the use and limitations of each of the approximants. Some of the examples are - “SEOBNRv4”, “SEOBNRv5ROM”, etc. How to know the difference between them, and how can I get to know which will best fit the particular events. What all information of the GW events are required to select the best fit of the data