Open Data workshop study hubs 2023

Hi all,
we are organising a Study Hub in Trieste (Italy) at the University. Here the details:

  • Study Hub location and time: Via Alfonso Valerio 2, Trieste - Dipartimento di Fisica - Edificio F, Università degli Studi di Trieste ; we will meet in the morning at the time of the lectures (09:00 - 10:30 CEST) to follow them together in AULA POROPAT and then in the afternoon from 16:00 CEST to 17:30 CEST to work on the tutorials in AULA A.
  • How many people can join? Max 20
  • How do participants sign-up? Is there a registration form? Please register using this google form.
  • Will there be experienced GW analysts (mentors) at your hub to answer questions? Yes, there will be mentors from Virgo
  • Any other information relevant to the participants, e.g. COVID protocols. At the moment we don’t have restrictions related to COVID.