Issues with PE Samples of GWTC-3

Hi all. I am studying the PE samples of GWTC-3 via GWTC-3: Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo During the Second Part of the Third Observing Run — Parameter estimation data release .

In the last cell of the example notebook (, it compared the maximum likelihood template and strain data, but they do not look similar at all. I think The template and the strain data have different cycles.

I also try to use the same codes to compare the template and the strain of the other events, like GW200112_155838, they still look quite different.

Could you please tell me why they do not look consistent?

At the same time, if I generate the waveform for events like GW191216_213338, I got errors which read :
“XLAL Error - XLALEOBCheckNyquistFrequency: Ringdown frequency > Nyquist frequency!
At present this situation is not supported.
XLAL Error - XLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBWaveform (LALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBv4P.c:949): Input domain error
XLAL Error - XLALSimInspiralChooseTDWaveform_legacy (LALSimInspiralGeneratorLegacy.c:1245): Internal function call failed: Input domain error”.

How should I solve this problem?

Thank you very much for the help.

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GW200112_155838 is not a useful event to look at. H1 is not available and V1 is virtually useless. Event GW200129_065458, for example, would be an interesting one.
I don’t know if your template is for GW150914, the only one I know that Ligo has made public. To try to match L1 data you will need one that is filtered, and you might also need to flip the sign of your template. Between H1 and L1 there is a minus sign difference.


Thank you for the question!

That’s funny about how the waveforms do not seem to match up. I’m not sure what’s happening there.

I do have some example code that seems to work, and you can try it. If you click on the tab for waveform, you should see the plots. If you click “see the code” at the bottom of the page, you can get some hints, or you can look at the github repo for more details. This code is a work-in-progress; I’d appreciate any feedback on it.