GWs event parameter estimation posterior

I have some questions about the h5 datasets files that I found in LIGO documentation
Regarding the parameter estimation posterior events of the released datasets, what is the essential difference between a Cosmos datatype and a non-Cosmos datatype?

What datasets are usually used in research, and how do I know which model analysis to use for each event?

What are the crucial points about the event datasets for events falling in the lower mass gap?

Thank you!


The docs for the posterior sample files are in the zenodo release.

In particular:

There are two .h5 files per event

  • Cosmologically reweighted (*cosmo.h5)
  • Not cosmologically reweighted (*nocosmo.h5)

The cosmologically reweighted posteriors are reweighted to have a luminosity-distance prior that has a uniform merger rate in the source’s comoving frame. See the paper appendices for further information.

In general, I would recommend the “cosmologically reweighted” samples, since those should better account for red-shift effects.