Choosing the prior

I’m following tutorial 3.2 for non-spinning parameter estimation. Using this code, what parameter can we estimate other than the chirp mass? Also, would it apply to signals such as GW230529, where I can choose another prior from the literature?
I’m stuck with creating a prior, how can we get a wave that applies to Bilby?
if you could give me advice or helpful gaudie …


In the tutorial, you’re actually sampling 2 parameters: the chirp mas & the mass ratio. For all the other parameters, you either fix their values or do a marginalisation procedure (check the discussion from Low-dimensional analysis till Run the analysis).

In principle, you can sample for many more parameters - you can check the Bilby example here.

This analysis, won’t apply for GW230529, since one of the objects is believed to be a neutron star. For these cases, the analysis needs to change, because neutron stars are more complicated objects than black holes. In case it is helpful, here is an example, of a binary neutron star analysis.

For the last part, I’m not sure what the question is about the priors. But recently, I’ve found an even smoother introduction to Bilby and parameter estimation, that you can check: here.

Thank you for your helpful response; it is highly appreciated!

So, for the case of CBC objects falling in the lower mass gap, the analysis is still under research. If I want to take the priors of the events within the lower mass gap and apply a statistical study using Python libraries, would it be possible with the released data?


I would say the analysis is robust, but definitely the “mass gap” in general and the population of such objects are open questions and very interesting ones.

The data from the current observing run are not released yet. You should check here for what is available.


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