I am simulating a few microlensed GW signals and trying to get their QTs using gwpy, but many signals do not show the “chirp” signature even after changing various settings of the q_transform function.
For example, I have this 8s long GW signal. I use different combinations of settings in the q_transform function (changing the qrange, outseg, whiten, norm values) :
Example setting:
ts = TimeSeries(strain_values, times=time_values, sample_rate=1.0/(time_values[1] - time_values[0]))
qt1 = ts.q_transform(qrange=(4,15), frange=(20,512),whiten=True,highpass=True,outseg=(-0.5,0.05))
qt2 = ts.q_transform(qrange=(4,15), frange=(20,512),whiten=True,highpass=True, norm=‘mean’, outseg=(-0.5,0.05))
qt3 = ts.q_transform(qrange=(4,15), frange=(20,512),whiten=False, outseg=(-0.5,0.05))
qt4 = ts.q_transform(qrange=(4,15), frange=(20,512), whiten=False, norm=‘mean’, outseg=(-0.5,0.05))
The other combinations can be seen here
Yet, the QTs show just noise and there is no chirp signature seen.
I am using the advanced LIGO H1 (O4) PSDs for noise.
There a few other microlensed signals generated in a similar way with slightly different binary parameters which show good QT projections (clear chirp sign seen). On the other hand, I face the similar ‘no-chirp seen’ problem with a few unlensed precessing binary GW signals generated.
How do I resolve this issue?