LIGO specific or GW annual conferences?

Are there any conferences or journals that are specific to GW data analysis and/or interferometry to submit papers to?

Great question!

For journals, the community often goes to physics or astronomy journals, including Classical and Quantum Gravity (CQG) or Physical Review D.

For conferences, take a look at:

Amaldi meeting:

GWIC website: GWIC | Conferences


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That is very helpful, thank you

Title: 4th MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves

Date: June 30th - July 5th, 2025.

Location: Aix Marseille Univ. Faculty of Sciences, Luminy Campus - Marseille, France

Web site: 4th MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves (30 June 2025 - 5 July 2025): Overview · IN2P3 Events Directory (Indico)

Registration: open until April 6th limited to about 80 to 90 participants

Topics: The school will cover the emerging field of gravitational wave detection and of its scientific exploitation. The goal of the school is to provide the students with a solid introduction to most aspects of this interdisciplinary field in fast expansion.
Target audience: The school is open primarily to Master and PhD students, and also to young (and not so young) scientists who would like to get better acquainted with gravitational waves.
Practical information: There is no registration fee to participate to the school, but attendance is limited to about 80 participants. The School will provide coffee breaks and lunches for all participants. Dinners, travel and accommodation expenses are not covered, however accommodation free of charge will be provided for a selected number of up to 50 master and PhD students.
Please note that the school being labelled as “Ecole Thématique CNRS”, for CNRS employees, travel and stay expenses will be covered by the CNRS “Formation Permanente”.

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